Tuesday, 9 December 2014

5 Top Advantages of Employee Attendance Management System

Employees have always been at loggerheads with the Human Resource department over the issue of attendance marking systems. With the advent of digital platforms and the sophistication of the existing Information Technology models, it has become smooth to track the attendance of an employee without hurting the sentiments or the morale. It has given an inspiring touch to how employees now look forward to punching their attendance and get themselves into the system.
We tell five things present features available with the Employee Attendance Management Systems that every professional identity must know.

1. Paperless operation:
The contemporary employee attendance management system is completely paper-free. It ensures a cleaner environment and a blot-free operation. Owing to the digital platform, the records are completely free from damage due to fire, floods, and age. Papers tend to get stained over a period of time. There is no such issue with the currently used employee attendance management systems. Owing to the growing awareness about environmental protection and recycling of data, these systems fulfill the organizational requirements without compromise.

2. Motivating factors for employees:
Unlike the traditional mode of attendance management systems, the electronic-based employee attendance systems tend to motivate the registered people. No supervision is required to check if an employee is putting the time correctly or not. The employee attendance management system screens the identity of the individual and grants him the access to the respective department, once approved. HR studies show that employees tend to be more productive and agile at work when their attendance and leave is being tracked by a digital entity. Also, it creates sense of urgency on the employee’s part to reach the office on time.

3. Unlimited Registrations:
Unlike the paper and pen mode, there is no limit to the number of employees signing through the employee attendance management systems. It is time saving and helps in maintaining the work-study principles with ease. No employee can complain about a faulty system to excuse from punching the attendance. It is a sure shot path to ensure correct attendance management system.

4.    Fun to interact with the laser and visual sensors:
Laser sensors to detect the presence of a person before granting access gives a feeling of excitement among the employees. Most organizations use biometric recognition systems. Most common models available in the segment of biometric recognition systems are:

1.    Facial recognition
2.    Eye colour recognition
3.    Finger printing recognition
4.    Breath-Saliva analyzers

Facial recognition marks attendance based on the matching profile with the registered template available with the system. The eye colour recognition systems are based on the differentiating shade of the eyes. Both systems are high-grade employee attendance management systems that can be installed anywhere in the premise. Most often, you will find them at the entry gates, washroom, and desktops.

5. Get familiar with the modern systems:
Fingerprinting recognition system is the most common and the most popular biometric template used in the employee’s attendance management systems. Breath and saliva recognition system is the most sophisticated template ever used in the attendance management system. Each person has a different DNA structure extracted through the saliva. It is 100 hundred percent safe, hygienic and involves zero error.

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