Tuesday, 9 December 2014

5 Top Advantages of Employee Attendance Management System

Employees have always been at loggerheads with the Human Resource department over the issue of attendance marking systems. With the advent of digital platforms and the sophistication of the existing Information Technology models, it has become smooth to track the attendance of an employee without hurting the sentiments or the morale. It has given an inspiring touch to how employees now look forward to punching their attendance and get themselves into the system.
We tell five things present features available with the Employee Attendance Management Systems that every professional identity must know.

1. Paperless operation:
The contemporary employee attendance management system is completely paper-free. It ensures a cleaner environment and a blot-free operation. Owing to the digital platform, the records are completely free from damage due to fire, floods, and age. Papers tend to get stained over a period of time. There is no such issue with the currently used employee attendance management systems. Owing to the growing awareness about environmental protection and recycling of data, these systems fulfill the organizational requirements without compromise.

2. Motivating factors for employees:
Unlike the traditional mode of attendance management systems, the electronic-based employee attendance systems tend to motivate the registered people. No supervision is required to check if an employee is putting the time correctly or not. The employee attendance management system screens the identity of the individual and grants him the access to the respective department, once approved. HR studies show that employees tend to be more productive and agile at work when their attendance and leave is being tracked by a digital entity. Also, it creates sense of urgency on the employee’s part to reach the office on time.

3. Unlimited Registrations:
Unlike the paper and pen mode, there is no limit to the number of employees signing through the employee attendance management systems. It is time saving and helps in maintaining the work-study principles with ease. No employee can complain about a faulty system to excuse from punching the attendance. It is a sure shot path to ensure correct attendance management system.

4.    Fun to interact with the laser and visual sensors:
Laser sensors to detect the presence of a person before granting access gives a feeling of excitement among the employees. Most organizations use biometric recognition systems. Most common models available in the segment of biometric recognition systems are:

1.    Facial recognition
2.    Eye colour recognition
3.    Finger printing recognition
4.    Breath-Saliva analyzers

Facial recognition marks attendance based on the matching profile with the registered template available with the system. The eye colour recognition systems are based on the differentiating shade of the eyes. Both systems are high-grade employee attendance management systems that can be installed anywhere in the premise. Most often, you will find them at the entry gates, washroom, and desktops.

5. Get familiar with the modern systems:
Fingerprinting recognition system is the most common and the most popular biometric template used in the employee’s attendance management systems. Breath and saliva recognition system is the most sophisticated template ever used in the attendance management system. Each person has a different DNA structure extracted through the saliva. It is 100 hundred percent safe, hygienic and involves zero error.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Employee Self-Service Portal: Shortest way to Employee Data

Human Resource Information System, abbreviated as HRIS or HRMS is a smart interaction of the components of Human resource management components and the peripherals of Information Technology. Administrative function handled by the HR department is integrated with the software that makes data collection and the subsequent management of data possible. Comprehensive linking of databases ensures that information can be updated and used for various purposes. The most common application of using the fundamentals of Information Technology with HR utilities is the Employee self service portal. It is basically a strong structure containing the financial and HR modules linking one database with the others to manage the services and offer benefits to the employees. The advanced features using such portal offer flexibility as well as rigidity.

Employee Service portals consists of many independent users concurrently feeding their details and vital contact information on the portals so that the management can see and extend fullest support to them and touch base to provide any information concerning their change in status, promotion or transfer orders, or change in reporting management.
An employee can start interaction with the portal by registering into it using his unique user name. It could be his employee Identification number or his name itself or the email user name. Log on to the portal would bring him to the Welcome page or Home page of the company website where he can use the ‘intelligent’ view to surf the various tabs and clicks.
Most Employee self service portal handout interactive session so users don’t have to struggle to feed their data or manoeuvre past the difficult web pages. Graphical interaction or background narration or even video clippings help the user.
Portals concerned with Employee service cover the following aspects of the management function.


The most important aspect of Human Resource is calculating the number of days worked and number of leaves availed by an employee. Based on the standard deductions and plans, salary is deduced at end of the month with accuracy. The portal will automatically direct the employee to the Salary component and help him understand why and how the salary figures in a certain bracket and how much can be expected in salary cheque at end of the month. Payroll management using the portal is linked to leave management and Attendance management system. It will also contain your bank information and the amount of benefit sum you would have accumulated in addition to the other incentives at the end of your employment term. The payroll updates its data automatically.
Family status and home address can be effectively searched using the portal. It gets easier to find and reach out to your office buddies and colleagues and build a strong network outside the office. Planning out a new trip or getting guidance from the sibling departments can be made easy without being directed to the Operator. It saves vital time and effort by avoiding confusion.
The portal is the best way to register attendance as log in and log off time can be tracked effectively. Certain buffer time is imposed so that the employee does not complain of time taken in switching on the system.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Biometric Face Recognition System - The 2D vs 3D Formats

Latest technology in the field of biometrics is the Biometric Face Recognition System. While the finger-print devices can still contain a risk of hacking or duplication, this face recognition system can hardly go wrong. The fingerprint devices may also be hygienically not well and can expose to a few ailments. On the other hand, voice recognition systems can also fail to offer you the finds of results that you are looking for; especially under those circumstances when a person is suffering from bad health or sore throat. Therefore, the face system comes to be recognized as an absolutely perfect and advanced one. 

Two Types of Systems

This kind of system can be either in the 2D format or 3D format. This is basically for the purpose of storing images in certain form as template in database.   While the 2D images in this kind of system are very common, there are hardly a few companies or organizations which use 3D images. Nevertheless, both these kinds of systems have their own pros and cons. 

The 2D Face Recognition System: Pros and Cons

A 2D system can work better in case there is moderate illuminating light. It is however influenced with the pose changes. Also, changes in a person’s face or facial expressions because of aging or other physical factors, will affect the rate of recognition in this system. A biometric system which makes use of 2D models, only consider two dimensions. 

The 3D Face Recognition System: Pros and Cons

The advantage of 3D system is that it has become quite cheap and also faster. However, there is a limited availability of databases in this kind. Because a human face is a three dimensional figure, therefore it is quite beneficial to use 3D biometric face recognition system for precise and exact results. The model database of 3D has better performance. It must be noted that the 3D data storage or capturing is also not 100% free of mild variations. Diversified light sources can create diversified models sometimes for same face. The most important factor is that when it comes to cost, 2D systems are still very cheap in contrast. 

Representation of Face in 2D and 3D Models

In the 2D biometric face recognition system, representation is done through intensity variation. In case of 3D models, representation is done by shape variation. 2D automated face recognition system can discriminate between the faces depending upon color or the intensity of features on a particular face. In case of 3D system, discrimination is done on the basis of different shapes of the features of a particular face but the 3D system uses more reliable basis of face recognition and so it is considered to be more accurate. 

Although 3D systems are more reliable and offer more accuracy, but there is a wide scope of maturity and improvement in this kind of biometrics face recognition system. At the same time, there are constant improvements in 2D systems, which are affecting the popularity of 3D. More and more companies are these days working on infusing 2D systems because this is the more feasible form of new technology in management of vital records.