Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Top 6 Features of Biometric Face Recognition Systems

Human face is a social bridge that is unique to the society. Everybody you know recognize you and your traits through the facial features you possess. It could be used as a signature to log into your account, make transactions and even start your car was a distant thought. Today, the use of biometric face recognition systems to identify, provide access and hold accountable someone is the norm. 

The biometric face recognition systems today conveys the identity of a person through digital means as well. Owing to its growing reliability, the popularity among law enforcement agencies and the regular corporates is worth taking a note. We tell you some of the best features that are being used by the contemporary biometric face recognition systems available in the market.  

1.  Fast-paced Recognition: 

The biometric face recognition system offer quick responses with rapid screening and probing. The whole comparison of the facial template may take anywhere between 5 seconds to 12 seconds. Higher the time taken, weaker is the efficiency of the system. Reliability of such systems is poor. Business groups shell out the extra money on the time saved in screening of the faces. Fat-paced recognition offered by the biometric face recognition system is the perfect reason why they are so popular. 

2.  Multiple Matching:

Makeup, stubbles, injury marks and surgeries can alter the facial contour. The use of biometric face recognition system now also use sophisticated marking tools that can identify the persons even when they are wearing a skull cap, hat or sunglasses. The use of multiple matching systems along with the regular biometric face recognition systems help in establishing the identity of a person more accurately. It employs the eye-zone extraction, nasal bridge mapping and forehead exposure. Some marking tools even use the symmetry calibration like lip length, brow distance and skin texture. 

3.  Capturing Habits and Trends: 

Some biometric face recognition systems can even detect the regular habits like twitching of eyes, blinking, flaring of nostrils and biting of lips. The use of real-time sensors and high-speed motion cameras help in bridging the gap between the template and the capture images. 

4.  360 Degrees Vantage Point: 

The biometric face recognition system uses 360 degrees of matching. The independent vantage point offers excellent framework to link the facial contours with the template. 

5.  Easy Integration with Infrastructure and IT Systems: 

The biometric face recognition systems used in the contemporary times can be integrated with the IT systems. Scalable and magnification of the system is possible without making a drastic change to the architecture of the hardware systems. They can be harmonized with the existing sensor modules and video surveillance apparatus. They are also compatible with the diversified graphics and video formats, especially the live cameras. 

6.  High Resolution: 

The high resolution offered by the systems in facial recognition is an amazing feature that average systems can’t match. The zoom in and zoom out techniques ensure that the captured image retains its quality. It does not suffer from the compression issues that haunt most graphical pictures captured in digital format.

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