Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Top 5 Reasons to Invest In Student Attendance System

It is often said that attendance of students in schools and colleges in one of the crucial factors of success. Many teachers and professors are unaware of the numbers of students that missed their classes or came late. It is important to implement a system that can manage the attendance of students on a regular basis, and ensure that they attend their classes on time. Technology across the world has improved, and the advent of the Student Attendance System brought a huge storm in the market. It helps in large numbers of ways:
  •   Records when students come to schools and colleges,
  •   Records meal breaks,
  •   The numbers of classes attended,
  •   The productive output from regular attendance.
Apart from tracking the performances of the students, schools and other educational institutions also need to keep a check when students are not attending classes. It also records vacation time, sick leaves and others.

More or less every school and institution has started realizing the importance of the software system in tracking the attendance of the students. Here are top reasons for investing on this system.
1.    Full control on students:
The tracking system helps the institutions to keep a full control on the students. By tracking the attendance, students can be encouraged and motivated to attend the institutions on a regular basis. Efforts are also made to improve the teaching system to instill students in attending the educational institution. Additionally, it also helps in controlling the mode of education and reducing the cumbersome process of manually tracking the attendance.

2.    Tracking different groups separately:
The software is designed in such a way so that it can track different groups of students that are required to attend different classes. It also offers automated report generation. It mainly operates on the biometric time and attendance systems, and it is available in many choices in the overall biometric umbrella. It comes with features like face recognition, hand scanners, fingerprint identifiers and retina-based biometric scanning.

3.    User-friendly and easy to use:
The main reason for which these systems have become popular is the ease of usage and the user-friendly features available. In fact, a biometric attendance system has many advantages over the conventional attendance system. The user will just have to enter relevant details, and accordingly these will be recorded automatically. The accuracy of recorded information is something that users will not have to bother, at all. Errors like late punching, punching and buddy punching can also be easily avoided.

4.    Enhancing the security:
Today, many businesses and corporate houses use these attendance systems. These are not only used for keeping a track of the attendance, but also for enhanced security. It can prevent trespassers or any foreign intruders from entering into the school or college premises. Therefore, it is much better than manual tracking.

5.    Integrating with existing system:
The best feature about the attendance system is that it can easily integrate with the existing attendance system of the educational institution. As a result, it helps the institutions to run efficiently helping to focus on education.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Using Biometric Systems to Manage Attendance-related Issues

No employee likes being monitored or being supervised. Attrition in IT industry is blamed at reporting manager’s consistent nagging and forceful behaviours. Staying back at work, reporting late and disappearing from the workstation without intimation can be very disapproving as far as organizational values are concerned. To prevent such discrepancies at work from employees and management, the employee self service portal linked to attendance management system.

The employee self service portal is an important man-free aspect of supervising over the entire span of the organization. The self service portal linked to the biometric face recognition system has following advantages.

-    Better Economy
If you are paying your employees well, it would be great if you can see how they spend their time all through the day at office. It can be done by registering their log in timings and log out entries over the employee self service portal. The management can save immensely by cutting down on the supervision cost done through reporting managers and third-party supervisors.

-    Cut down on miscellaneous cost of absenteeism
One hour of absenteeism can cost dearly, especially if the employee holds a position of high significance in the organisational hierarchy. The cost of absenteeism magnifies with the number of employees directly reporting to the absent employee. The cost is calculated in terms of the man hours lost. The monthly performance report can be compared with the cost of absenteeism for each employee. It helps in the performance appraisal of the employee and the team reporting to him/her.

-    Connectivity with Cloud and Wi-Fi
You can register your attendance even from remote locations. The registered device will be connected to the biometric face recognition system through cloud connectivity. It works very well for those who are working from home or have a travelling job. Sales assignments, branding and event management and off-short projects require special attention in terms of attendance marking. The connectivity with public and private clouds is the perfect solution to address attendance issues that crop up due to limited logistics.

-    Sophisticated tools with Simple Usability
When it comes to sophistication, biometric face recognition system and finger print attendance software gel very well together. In addition to regular IRIS Scanners and fingerprint markers, the sensor-based equipments are also very popular in the contemporary employee self service portal management portfolio.
Popular applications are:
-    Biometric Iris, Fingerprint and face identification for time attendance
-    Access Control based on biometric recognition
-    Portable Biometric reader
-    Battery-powered Door Lock for Board room and Treasure room security
-    RFID Time attendance

-    Scalability and Timelessness
Once the biometric face recognition system is linked to the Employee attendance management system, the organization can forget about its scalability issue. With the use of fibre optic cables and digital connectivity, the same layout can be used even of the company expands by 100 times. Additional data space may be required to accommodate the inflated employee numbers, but the efficiency remains unaffected.

Monday, 15 June 2015

4 Absolutely New Technologies used in the Employee Self-Service Portals

You have waited long enough to see the sci-fi techniques come alive at your workplace. Modern day premises use high-end employee self-service portals to manage the entire portfolio of events. From attendance to the leave applications, every piece of information is shared at a finger touch. With absolutely no intervention from the personnel desk, it is not only reliable but also supremely productive as far as performance is concerned.

Wondering what makes them so fruitful, here’s a list of 4 hi-tech technologies that you would love exploring.

1    Organic Personnel Verification Management System:

Every single person enlisted in the company rolls can access the employee self-service portals. The personal data of each of these identities is carefully filled and then fed into the data. Once it shows on the system, the employee can edit, save and revise the information on his own. The organic software used in the Personnel Verification Management system runs on a precision search-base algorithm. From date of birth to the unique Identification details, the database links each of this organic information with the facial template. One face has the entire information and background details. At the end of employment, the information remains safe with the administration for validity purposes.

2    Magnification Platform with 10X Capacity:

Not many application used in the employee self-service portals can be magnified. The contemporary systems have been built to manage the scalability aspect of HR and Operations. Now, the same system can handle anywhere between 50 to 500 employees within the same database. The magnification platform is closely linked with the organic structure of HR Information systems.

3    High-Speed Wireless Connectivity to Manage Attendance:

Missing out on an important meeting due to busy elevators or crowded cafeteria? Your system is not updates? You are unable to log into your system because you forgot your password? Finding it hard to understand the exact information passed by top management

Stop asking these questions via long telephone calls routed through operators and service centres. The use of high-speed Wireless Hotspots enables the employee self-service portals to run upfront from any part of the office building. All you have to do is take permission from the Network Administrator and IT management team to access the connection. Once you are in the loop, you can instantly pass messages and back your excuses with the GPS location.

4    3-Dimensional Scanning:

The employee self-service portals are installed with a highly distinguished technology called 3-dimensional scanning. This feature links the enterprise software system with the biometric face recognition systems. It requires the regular high definition cameras set at particular vantage points to capture accurate shots of a person. Whenever the employee seeks permission to access a relatively restricted zone, the 3-D scanning alerts the portal. An instant message pops over the admin’s system and the same mail is also screened by the employee. When the two systems are in contact, the information and conversation is captured by the 3-D scanning feature as well.

Monday, 18 May 2015

Evolution of Personnel Identification: Biometrics is the new ID cards

Growing security concerns require innovative protocols and safety units. The biometric face recognition system is looked upon as the most reliable channel to ensure security at home as well as work place. The need of the hour is a robust and accurate security system that can handle any number of visitors at the same time. The biometric face recognition system is a full-fledged security system that uses high-end optical technology and digital integration.

What is the basis of the biometric face recognition system?

Human body is unique in its own way. Apart from the regular fingerprint systems and the voice recognition system, the face is the most distinguishing contour to separate one person from another. The fact that no two persons have the same set of facial parameters forms the basis of the biometric face recognition system.

For instance, the gap between the brow ridges is one such factor. Another significant facial pointer is the nose tip angle, forehead area, shape of lips and chin contour.  Though there is still a certain chance of forgery owing to the development of cosmetic surgery, the biometric face recognition system can identify the difference between the original and the fake person to up to 99 percent.

What are the conventional modes of operating a biometric face recognition system?

The biometric face recognition system uses the facial template as the key card. It is called automated authentication. The person is granted access into the premise only if the real time image matches the existing template. In order to ensure that the person is a real human and not an android or an imposter, the biometric face recognition system may be installed with a password system along with digital image capturing unit.

The automated authentication ensures that there is zero manual intervention in the system. It removes chances of biasing and human error by 100 per cent.

What are the common advantages witnessed among biometric face recognition system users?

The biometric face recognition system is a complete digital apparatus that runs on a seamless algorithm. This ensures the following advantages:

  • -      No fear of losing passwords to unscrupulous agents in the system
  • -      No risk of data theft
  • -      No risk of identity loss to an imposter
  • -      No requirement of touching the panels
  • -      Zero risk of contracting infections, unlike the fingerprint identification panels
  • -      Minimum repudiation claims at office
  • -      Full security with complete surveillance of the entry-exit points
  • -      Optimum performance even in big organizations
  • -      Scalable operation with seamless technology
  • -      Energy efficient and runs even during power failure

What are the major components of the biometric face recognition system?

Like any sophisticated technology concerned with IT and digital data, the biometric face recognition system has following unassailable components.

  • -      High quality Imaging device to capture facial contour like a camera
  • -      Signal processing algorithm to match the data with the template
  • -      Storage unit to reserve templates
  • -      Matching algorithm
  • -      Call on Actions to instruct if the person is real or fake
From LASER to voice encrypted data, the biometric face recognition system is a symbol of status and recognition.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Top 6 Features of Biometric Face Recognition Systems

Human face is a social bridge that is unique to the society. Everybody you know recognize you and your traits through the facial features you possess. It could be used as a signature to log into your account, make transactions and even start your car was a distant thought. Today, the use of biometric face recognition systems to identify, provide access and hold accountable someone is the norm. 

The biometric face recognition systems today conveys the identity of a person through digital means as well. Owing to its growing reliability, the popularity among law enforcement agencies and the regular corporates is worth taking a note. We tell you some of the best features that are being used by the contemporary biometric face recognition systems available in the market.  

1.  Fast-paced Recognition: 

The biometric face recognition system offer quick responses with rapid screening and probing. The whole comparison of the facial template may take anywhere between 5 seconds to 12 seconds. Higher the time taken, weaker is the efficiency of the system. Reliability of such systems is poor. Business groups shell out the extra money on the time saved in screening of the faces. Fat-paced recognition offered by the biometric face recognition system is the perfect reason why they are so popular. 

2.  Multiple Matching:

Makeup, stubbles, injury marks and surgeries can alter the facial contour. The use of biometric face recognition system now also use sophisticated marking tools that can identify the persons even when they are wearing a skull cap, hat or sunglasses. The use of multiple matching systems along with the regular biometric face recognition systems help in establishing the identity of a person more accurately. It employs the eye-zone extraction, nasal bridge mapping and forehead exposure. Some marking tools even use the symmetry calibration like lip length, brow distance and skin texture. 

3.  Capturing Habits and Trends: 

Some biometric face recognition systems can even detect the regular habits like twitching of eyes, blinking, flaring of nostrils and biting of lips. The use of real-time sensors and high-speed motion cameras help in bridging the gap between the template and the capture images. 

4.  360 Degrees Vantage Point: 

The biometric face recognition system uses 360 degrees of matching. The independent vantage point offers excellent framework to link the facial contours with the template. 

5.  Easy Integration with Infrastructure and IT Systems: 

The biometric face recognition systems used in the contemporary times can be integrated with the IT systems. Scalable and magnification of the system is possible without making a drastic change to the architecture of the hardware systems. They can be harmonized with the existing sensor modules and video surveillance apparatus. They are also compatible with the diversified graphics and video formats, especially the live cameras. 

6.  High Resolution: 

The high resolution offered by the systems in facial recognition is an amazing feature that average systems can’t match. The zoom in and zoom out techniques ensure that the captured image retains its quality. It does not suffer from the compression issues that haunt most graphical pictures captured in digital format.