Monday, 2 January 2023

10 Most Compelling Employee Engagement Ideas

10 Most Compelling Employee Engagement Ideas

When it comes to employee engagement, there is no one-size-fits-all policy. What works for one employee will not work for the other one. Therefore, focusing on things that drive engagement is of utter importance. 

Here are some tested tactics that are sure to improve your employee engagement-

1. Engaging On-boarding Experience

Employees begin their journey in an organization with various perspectives. And it is the company's duty to jump-start employee engagement from day one. The leaders and employees should simultaneously help the new onboarded to feel welcome. The existing employees should help the new ones access relevant resources, communicate well regarding the expectations, and introduce them to other teams. This impacts positively, leading to a prosperous relationship.

2. Strength Assessment

Strength assessment help employees grow as they figure out areas where they are good in. This helps them understand their weak points and strengthens them to maximize their potential. Strength assessment also acts as a bonding activity. Old and new employees can collaborate to understand each other’s strong points and work around them.

3. Motivation, instead of Management

No one likes to be bossed around. Advice, nurture and coaching are the top ways to create a safe workspace. Manager coaching improves employee productivity by almost 30%. Since these employees can check in with their managers regarding their work, it also improves the office atmosphere.

4. Advice from Employees

Every employee has a strength, which, when combined, leads to a functional and profitable company. Asking the team members for help finishes the work quickly, and you get to know who is good at what. Be it the latest bonding idea, an executive PPT or strategy planning, getting more ideas only strengthens the outcome.

5. Encourage Individuality

An employee brings their whole authentic self when they come to work for you. Their unique strengths and abilities can become integral in your company’s flourish. Simple conversations, like asking them about a match or their vacation, can positively change their relationship with you. This will give you a better insight of their individuality and make them open up more to you.

6. Avoid Over-working Your Employees

Everyone gets into a time crunch when dealing with an important project. But making it a daily ritual reduces your employee's productivity, causing burnout. Make sure you segregate the work so that they can have a proper work-life time ratio and can have some time for themselves. This makes the employee feel valued and appreciated.

7. Failures are Opportunities

When you make a terrible decision, you can go two ways: learn from it or play the blame game. Leaders and employees can build trust over bad decisions by sitting together and rectifying with. This shows the authentic self of the individual, and the vulnerability brings the team closer. These are opportunities to show that you are human.

8. Feedback Safe Environment

A safe workspace is a happy one, meaning employees must feel safe when giving feedback. Communicate with your employees and build trust, so they are comfortable sharing their views. Feedbacks are great opportunities to look into the weak points and strengthen them. Use your emotional intelligence to judge if the employee is ready for feedback.

9. Celebrate People Too

Your employees are more than the files and PPTs they submit to you. Take every chance to appreciate your teammates, colleagues and employees for their accomplishments outside work. It can be as simple as a pat on the back or bringing them a doughnut. These small gestures go a long way, and your employee will be more inclined towards the company.

10. Lookout for the Champions

Often employees go up and above their work to bring significant results, only for the company to give them no credit. Find the employees putting their soul to work and calling out their success. Not only does this motivates the employee to do well, but also others to understand the benchmark and go above that. This boosts engagement and productivity.


Employee engagement is crucial for a company to function well. The above tips are some of the tried and tested methods you can utilize to boost productivity.

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