Monday, 26 February 2018


Employee absenteeism is a serious workplace concern. It can create several perils for a company such as fill-in-fatigue, increased administration costs, provision of inferior services/products, decline in productivity, etc. Even a 1% absenteeism rate has a detrimental impact on the company. Do not simply sweep this issue under the carpet. If you notice an increase in employee absences, do address it with appropriate measures. 

One such effective measure is the implementation of time and attendance software. How can this curb workplace absenteeism? Read on.

Time and attendance software can:

Identify the Issue

The first stage is addressing a problem; recognizing whether the issue exists. If you notice a particular employee has several absences without a justified cause, then you do have an issue in your hands. In that case, you must proceed to the second step.

Devise a Plan

Since you know there is a problem and you’ve identified the cause, determine how you can solve the issue. This can be achieved through a plan. For example, if your employee has issue only on days that conflict with their second employment, then ask them to choose between the two places of work. If your employee demonstrates sporadic work absences and the cause is a lack of discipline, then perhaps disciplinary action or dismissal might be in order.

Execute the Plan

You’ve studied the issue in some depth by this stage and have determined the best course of action. The next step is to discuss this with the shift or HR manager. If everyone is on board, you can request a formal meeting with the employee. This is where you enforce discipline and take necessary action. This step is integral as it removes the time and attendance problem.

 Without biometric attendance system, you wouldn’t be able to perform profiling and tracking features on a particular employee. In addition, you wouldn’t receive up-to the-minute details on an employee’s clock in and clock out times, nor on the days they take time off. Switching to an automated system helps you deal with absenteeism issues in a productive and solution-focused way. You may also use it to enforce company policies and procedures related to absenteeism.

Sunday, 21 January 2018

How do schools benefit from Student Attendance Software?

Student attendance documentation is a major aspect of smooth workflow in schools. Without consistent student attendance, schools, students and teachers all suffer. A student attendance management software is a tool that can benefit all parties. It automatically increases a student’s attendance accountability and increases their motivation for attending school which is the main objective of an attendance software program.

Some of the best features that can be adopted through a student attendance software program are:

Real-time Attendance Tracking

Student attendance programs have a built-in real-time attendance tracking feature which quickly captures a student’s attendance on the computer.

Provides SMS Alerts

Parents are often concerned about their children attending school. What if there are days when a child is on his way to school but decides to skip out? How will his parents learn that their child didn’t attend? Student attendance management software programs send out automatic SMS alerts to parents’ mobile phones when it is discovered that a particular student did not attend class. These alerts can be sent out to confirm a student’s presence or absence at school.

Maintains a Daily and Monthly Attendance Register

Since this is an automated system, a daily record or log is kept of each student’s in and out from the school’s premises. This information is maintained in a Daily Attendance Register. A student’s daily in and out log is also maintained within a Monthly Attendance system. The need for manual tracking is completely eliminated.

Accurate Student Turnout Tracking

Tracking student attendance is necessary for many reasons. From the safety of the student and his or her peers, to the safety of the teachers and staff as well as for school budget and funding purposes. This software system enables schools to accumulate raw data from the PC and download it into their system database.

Operational Advantages

Using advanced attendance software reduces a school’s operational costs. This system reduces the number of secretarial staff needed to track attendance. The budget can be allocated towards strategic tasks for the school.